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- 晓美焰, 第10话.

名字(日语) 暁美 ほむら (Akemi Homura)
CV 斋藤千和
年龄 13-14 (estimated)
武器 圆盾(储存空间+时停道具+回溯道具),各种军火(土炸弹、手枪、机关枪、反舰导弹等),高尔夫球棍,弓箭

晓美焰是《魔法少女小圆》的第二女主(劇場版 叛逆的物語第一女主角),又称小焰或者黑长直。最初在小圆的梦里登场,其后成为了小圆所在的见泷原中学的转校生。跟可爱的宠物QB不一样,小焰一直在警告小圆不要成为魔法少女,似乎有什么目的地接近小圆,甚至还对QB出手……



  • 日文 | 暁美ほむら(あけみ ほむら/Akemi Homura)
  • 中译 | 晓美焰
  • 昵称 | 小焰、小炎、黑毛、黑长直、黑麻花、吼姆啦、ほむほむ(吼姆吼姆/轰穆轰穆)[注 1]、全垒打[注 2]


  • 从东京的教会学校[注 3]转入见泷原中学的初中二年生,跟鹿目圆美树沙耶加志筑仁美在一个班级
  • 成绩优秀,容姿端丽,体育万能[1]
  • 冷酷的冰山美人,柔顺的长发因为常用飘柔维护
  • 印象色为深紫色,灵魂宝石为菱形,变身后嵌在左手手背。漫画版灵魂宝石则是以手表的形式携带
  • 黑色裤袜上有紫色菱形格子装饰
  • [2]
  • 生日未知、血型B、身高目前159.4公分
  • 最初是患有心脏病跟近视的病弱少女,后来用魔法治愈了





File:Timeline Chart.png
The sequences of events in each timeline.









for reference: puella-magi wiki

Homura's time-loop officially starts on the 14th of the month in the anime (speculated to be sometime between March and April). She was released from the hospital on the 14th, and transferred to Mitakihara Middle School on the 25th. In the original timeline, she is attacked by a witch and saved by Madoka and Mami. Sometime during the next month, during Walpurgisnatch, she becomes a magical girl while wishing to redo her meeting with Madoka, thus gaining the power to pause and/or rewind time one month.

It is estimated Homura repeated the same month starting on the 14th nearly 100 times before the present timeline in the TV anime. Within these timelines, Homura was able to gradually improve her abilities and acquire items (such as ammunition and weapons from the Japanese military) to prepare for the battle with Walpurgisnatch. She was also able to memorize and deduce through statistics the major events that would occur within all timelines, giving her incredible knowledge about most of her adversaries. The corollary, however, was that Homura experienced the deaths of many of her friends repeatedly, often horrifically. As a general trend, Homura became increasingly distant to Madoka with each repeat of the month.

By the timeline of the TV anime, Homura appeared as a cold and calculating character who is distant from all the characters. She failed to save all of her companions (apart from Madoka), and by Walpurgisnatch, was forced to face the witch alone. She was subsequently defeated by Walpurgisnatch, and seemed just about to succumb to despair before Madoka appears and rewrites the Universe with her wish.

After Madoka's revision of the universe, Homura is the only known character to retain her memories of the previous universe. She has possession of Madoka's ribbon, and has a new black bow as her weapon similar to Madoka's weapon. It is unknown if she retained her abilities to manipulate time and space. Homura is shown to have a much closer relationship with Kyuubey, so much so she even confides an entire account about how the old universe worked.

剧场版 新篇 叛逆的物语


歷經與「零食魔女」、巴麻美、美樹沙耶香等人的衝突後,曉美焰終於得知,其實自己早已化身魔女(不完全體),此處則是魔女結界-捏造的見瀧原(false town/偽街)。丘比的「實驗」主導了這一切,其目的是從焰的身上觀察魔女化的發生,並解析「圓環之理」,以便阻止概念化的鹿目圆对魔法少女进行救赎,从而使魔女重新出现于世界。曉美焰為了阻止此一陰謀,不讓鹿目圓的存在曝光,決定在完全魔女化之後自殺,迴避圓環的引導。不過,藉由其他魔法少女們的活躍,曉美焰被救出結界,丘比的計畫破滅。鹿目圓取回了圓環的力量,出現在曉美焰的面前。可是,在被圓環淨化的前一刻,曉美焰基於對鹿目圓的「愛」,實施了叛逆行動-將做為「人類」的鹿目圓自圓環強行分離,再度改寫宇宙法則、重新構築世界。



for reference: puella-magi wiki

"Without a doubt, this place is a witch's barrier."

In events prior to The Rebellion Story Homura was captured by the Incubators, and her Soul Gem was placed in an Isolation Field that blocked out the Law of Cycles. This strain led Homura to transform partially into a witch without her knowledge. In this form, she also unconsciously created a labyrinth that was a near-perfect replica of Mitakihara City, and unconsciously lured her former acquaintances into it. She even drew in Madoka from the Law of Cycles, who entered the barrier along with Sayaka and Nagisa Momoe. In this dream world, Homura unconsciously distorted almost everyone's memories (including her own) so that they believed they were living in the real world fighting new enemies called Nightmares. In order to stop the Incubators from fulfilling their goal, Madoka entrusted her memories and powers to Sayaka and Nagisa. Sayaka only pretended to have her memories altered, while Nagisa disguised herself as Charlotte/Bebe.

Eventually Homura realizes that she's trapped in a witch's barrier and attempts to discover who is behind it. Near the end of her journey she has a conversation with Madoka that causes her to realize that she can't accept Madoka's sacrifice. At this point she begins to realize she is the witch, and confirms it when she separates herself from her Soul Gem without consequence.

At this point Kyubey appears and explains the truth about Homura's present nature and the Incubators' plan to control the Law of Cycles. This causes Homura to go berserk and curse her existence, completing her transformation into a witch known as Homulilly. Madoka and the other magical girls manage to rescue Homura by destroying the stasis field containing them all, returning them to reality. Due to the Isolation Field, Homura only became a witch inside her own Soul Gem, allowing Madoka to save her.

Ultimate Madoka arrives to take Homura away as per the Law of the Cycle. However, Homura grabs Madoka first. Her Soul Gem turns black, then fills with swirling colors that Nagisa calls worse than curses. Reality begins to crack as Homura separates Madoka from her goddess self. The colors burst out of her Soul Gem, and both the cracks and colors engulf the entire universe.

Homura and Kyubey reappear in the same place where Madoka ascended in Episode 12. Homura shatters her Soul Gem in her mouth, and a new gem appears called the Dark Orb. Kyubey exclaims that Homura is rewriting the universe, and asks what happened to her Soul Gem. Homura explains that she remembered all of the times she repeated time, and all of the pain she suffered for Madoka's sake. She says that even this pain has become precious to her, tainting her Soul Gem with something greater than curses. As she swallows the Dark Orb, she calls it the pinnacle of human emotions: Love.

Homura transforms into a new form and grows a pair of black wings. Kyubey says that Homura is no longer a magical girl or a witch, and asks what Homura is now. Homura that since she brought down and imprisoned god, it's only appropriate to call her a demon (akuma). Kyubey decides that it was a mistake to experiment with human emotions and flees, but Homura grabs him and says she still needs his existence to deal with all the curses of the world.

"As I am now, I'm not a witch anymore. Something that could bring down a god and imprison her...I suppose you could only call such a being a demon."

Homura effectively becomes a goddess of this new universe. Apart from her true nature as a demon, she still exists with a human form in the real world and can interact normally with everyone else. She appears to have the power to manipulate the memories of virtually anyone she pleases, but otherwise the full extent of her abilities are unknown. It is assumed that Homura is a deity that primarily embodies love (whereas Madoka embodies hope).

Homura is presently holding a fraction of the Goddess Madoka captive--specifically, the part that was Madoka Kaname before she became the Law of Cycles. It is also implied she is placing the world's curses onto Kyubey. Despite proclaiming herself as a demon, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, and Nagisa are all given happy lives in her new world.


Memories of You 在最初的时间轴里,晓美焰也曾被鹿目圆怂恿签约,但也同样被麻美训诫,最后约定『不會以隨便的心情去許願』。而在魔女之夜到来时靠艾米找到了圆和麻美,终于签下契约。

Sunny Day Life 官方逼死同人的淑女设定,眾人在追擊偷衣物的小貓時發現了一條被偷的內褲,佐倉杏子表示無法理解為何要偷別人穿過的內褲,小焰對此表示:“那才是价值所在”




for reference: puella-magi wiki

"Madoka...don't ever tell me not to save you. I'm not all-powerful. I am not able to save everyone. But...even so, I want to save you. So, don't say that anymore!" - Homura, Puella Magi Oriko Magica, Chapter 5.

  • Homura first appears in Chapter 3. When Mami warns her about the magical girl murders, Homura seems not to care, but warns Mami not to get close to her, Madoka, Hitomi and Sayaka.
  • In chapter 4, she appears for one page with her friends, going out for sweets. She defers to Madoka's taste and doesn't care where they go. She protected Madoka well to this point, keeping the knowledge of magical girls far away from her and Sayaka.
  • In chapters 5-7, as Mitakihara Junior High is covered with a witch's barrier, Homura does her best to protect Madoka from the familiars. After Madoka told her not to sacrifice others to protect her, however, Homura decided to find Oriko and Kirika and defeat them. Oriko reveals that Template:Spoiler Homura fights together with Mami, Kyoko and Yuma, coming close to losing when two of the other three fall into despair after Template:Spoiler

魔法少女小圆 the different story



for reference: puella-magi wiki
  • Homura acts just as she did in the anime.
  • Homura tries to cooperate with all magical girls to fight Walpurgis. But she still fails because all other magical girls don't believe her.
    • When Sayaka becomes Oktavia, she warns Kyoko not to visit Mami or she may die. Kyoko refuses and set a barrier to stop her from following.
    • She brings unconscious Mami home, and then seeks her help.
    • She lies to Madoka, saying Sayaka is killed by witches. She doesn't want Madoka to know about the cold truth.
    • When Madoka contracts, she doesn't reset time immediately. She tries to convince Madoka to run away, but Madoka refuses. She resets time after the other two go to fight Walpurgis.



  • 除了小圓以外的其他三位主要角色皆活著進入焰的後宮也都成為了魔法少女的話,那麼就能夠四人一起擊敗QB的野心魔女之夜而迎接Happy Endまじょたちのなく頃に解:更生篇
  • 若麻美存活,但得知了魔法少女最終會變成魔女的訊息,且沙耶香也魔女化而先被小焰解決,那麼麻美會自殺、杏子也會憤而離開城鎮,最終只有焰一人面對魔女之夜,而後在小圓的懷中斷氣
  • 若麻美死亡、沙耶香魔女化而成功挽留住杏子的話,將由杏子與焰共同面對魔女之夜,勝出後杏子會將城鎮交給焰而離開見瀧原。
  • 若在面對魔女之夜的時候戰敗的話,焰會魔女化成「此岸的魔女(Homulilly)」
  • 除此之外的各種狀況最後都是直接走動畫結局,PV中出現的對抗魔獸的畫面也僅限於在此結局中的片尾出現。
Warning, this section contains spoilers.
  • If certain conditions are met, the Homura route will be available for playing.
  • Homura can save Mami from Charlotte.
    • By telling Mami she will leave Charlotte to her, Homura can avoid being tied up in ribbons. Homura can then secretly follow and save Mami in time.
      • Mami apologizes to Homura for misjudging her and forms a bond with Homura.
      • With Mami alive, there is a scene where she fights against Kyoko.
  • Homura can save Sayaka, by choosing Kyoko to talk to Sayaka and prevent her from becoming a witch.
    • Sayaka will join the group in fighting against Walpurgis.
  • Kyouko will team up with Homura in most cases.
  • If Homura successfully avoids Mami's death and none of the magical girls become witches, then it is possible for Homura to challenge Walpurgis with four magical girls without having Madoka contracting with Kyubey.
  • The PSP game has a transformation scene for glasses Homura (dead link)



  • 冷酷
    • 基本上對任何人都用全名稱呼,不過也有例外,除了小圓外也有稱呼過杏子(第九話)。
  • 死脑筋
  • 为了小圆可以不惜牺牲自己所有的一切
  • 认为沙耶加跟麻美是总带来麻烦的人
  • 认为杏子是可靠的队友
  • 在TV第一周目腼腆、怕生又自卑


  • 跟踪狂
  • 黑他累。平时一副总攻的样子,其实小圆一强硬起来就变受。从来不会直接向对方表达自己的感情,但是会用各种间接手段。当小圆向她表示好意时,反而会抗拒。
  • 病娇(叛逆限定)



由于这一愿望,获得了两大时间操作能力:时间停止时间倒流[11]。两个能力都依赖于变身后位于左手小臂的圆形金属盾牌[注 4],内部呈现复杂的齿轮结构,并且有一个类似于沙漏的部件。





File:Homura trans.gif


武器 Template:Anchor曉美焰的最初攻擊手段是高爾夫球桿,被巴麻美糾正、訓練後,開始裝備軍事武器。除了貝瑞塔92手槍沙漠之鷹手槍FN Minimi輕機槍之外,也運用若干炸彈(IED、計時炸彈、手榴彈閃光彈C4炸药)、地雷(FFV-013定向雷M18A1闊刀地雷)、油罐車心神戰鬥機SLOT 魔法少女小圓發動攻擊。此外,還有一系列的反坦克武器[13][14][15]AT4反坦克火箭筒RPG-7、L16 81mm迫擊砲(彈著點是自己計算的!)、戰斧巡弋飛彈88式陸基反艦飛彈M72輕型反裝甲武器(僅漫畫版)[15]

包括Vectronix觀測機在內的前述军火,其中雖有部分自製,但大多是曉美焰潜入黑道帮派『射太興業』[注 5]军队(疑似自衛隊與美軍基地的軍火庫)窃取而来,因此涵蓋大批自衛隊駐日美軍現役武器。第11話、最終話播畢翌日,搭載88式陸基反艦飛彈的陸上自衛隊第六陸基反艦連隊「恰巧」宣布解散,引發了「焰盜走軍火,致使陸自連隊解散」(第6地対艦ミサイル連隊解隊の遠因)的趣談。經非官方統計,焰攻打魔女之夜的軍費總額高達13億8304萬300日圓(常備武裝佔57萬1300日圓)[16]




还继承了(偶尔出现的)白色的光之翼[注 6]。TV最终画面还出现了类似于魔女结界的谜之黑翼
Soul Gem变成Dark Orb
Dark Orb可以变形佩戴在左手手背


  • 只要能力不暴露,小焰是最强的魔法少女[17]
  • 轮回了近100次[18]



在劇場版[新篇]中盤的一幕,朝「圓神」畫像丟蕃茄的曉美焰使魔群,口中說著德語「Gott ist tot」,典出德國哲學家尼采的名言「上帝已死」。尾聲,有一行魔女文字(Madoka runes)位於「惡魔」曉美焰的遮陽傘傘柄,亦可解出德文「Die Ewige Wiederkunft des Gleichen」,典出尼采的「永恆輪迴」觀。曉美焰的行為脈絡,就相當於尼采的「超人理論」。




虛淵玄主張,曉美焰在劇場版[新篇]構築的「捏造的見瀧原(false town/偽街)」,雖然本質上是自導自演、辦家家酒的魔女結界。但這個「5人同心協力」的安逸世界,其實是她潛意識中的真正心願。

在正篇故事中,曉美焰經歷了將近100次「與鹿目圓重逢/分離」的悲喜劇,使她形成根深蒂固的自虐心理。曉美焰的使魔進而在在劇場版[新篇]全劇,從其本心,不斷進行的「fort/da」遊戲,典出弗洛伊德的著作《超越快樂原則》(Beyond the Pleasure Principle / Jenseits des Lustprinzips)。此書的日文書名《快感原則の彼岸》,也對應了焰的另一種魔女化—此岸之魔女。這就是「自虐」的基本形式之一[20]-藉由不斷「失而復得」,體驗其中的痛苦、期待與刺激。





在劇場版[新篇]中盤,曉美焰化身的胡桃鉗魔女在最後詐降前,頭顱下方出現一行魔女文字,可解出「Eternal feminine」,意譯為「永恆的女性」,典出《浮士德》的詩句:「永恆的女性 引領我們到至高之境」。





戰鬥對象 時間 戰鬥結果 致勝招式 附註
丘比 第1話 中斷
巴麻美 第3話 中斷
「零食」的魔女 第3話 勝利 時間操作、定時炸彈
佐倉杏子 第6話 中斷 佐倉杏子放棄戰鬥。
第8話 中斷 劇場版刪除。
丘比 第8話 勝利 時間操作、槍擊
「人魚」的魔女 第9話 中斷 兩度脫離戰鬥。
「班長」的魔女 第10話 勝利 時間操作、定時炸彈
魔女之夜 第10話 勝利 時間軸2。鹿目圓魔女化。
「人魚」的魔女 第10話 勝利
魔女之夜 第10話 敗北 時間軸3。
魔女之夜 第10話 敗北 時間軸4。
魔女之夜 第11話 敗北
魔獸 最終話 勝利 美樹沙耶香陣亡。
魔獸 最終話 勝利 城市的戰鬥。
魔獸 最終話 不明 沙漠的戰鬥。
夢魘 劇場版[新篇] 勝利 幕後支援。
夢魘 劇場版[新篇] 勝利 時間操作 「神聖五重奏」。
百江渚 劇場版[新篇] 中斷
巴麻美 劇場版[新篇] 敗北
美樹沙耶香 劇場版[新篇] 中斷 魔女結界內。
劇場版[新篇] 敗北
圓環之理 劇場版[新篇] 勝利 惡魔化
劇場版[新篇] 勝利 記憶操作
戰鬥對象 時間 戰鬥結果 致勝招式 附註
魔法少女小織 第5話-最終話 勝利 槍擊 鹿目圓死亡,實質敗北。
某魔女 〜The different story〜 第6話 勝利 土製炸彈
魔女之夜 〜The different story〜 最終話 不明 勝負無意義。
魔女之夜 焰Revenge 第1話 敗北
丘比 焰Revenge 第1話 中斷
巴麻美 焰Revenge 第2話 敗北
「零食」的魔女 焰Revenge 第3話 勝利 反坦克武器
「箱」的魔女 焰Revenge 第4話 勝利 美樹沙耶香中途參戰。
焰Revenge 第5話-第7話 中斷 美樹沙耶香魔女化。


经典台词(credit: K岛)
  • 「あなたは、鹿目まどかのままでいればいい。今まで通りに、これからも。」



  • 「暁美ほむらです。よろしくお願いします。」


  • 「……あなたは、優しすぎる。」


  • 「解っているの? あなたは無関係な一般人を危険に巻き込んでいる。」


  • 「それには及ばないわ。」



  • 「もう誰にも頼らない」


  • 「最後に残った道しるべ」


  • 「約束するわ!絶対にあなたを救ってみせる!何度繰り返すことになっても、必ずあなたを守ってみせる!」



  • 「不了解人類的感情的你們不可能明白的吧,比詛咒更強,比執妄更深的,稱之為愛的這份感情!」


  • 「望むことは、ささやかなりし。この腕にかき抱けるだけの夢でいい、この胸に収まるだけの真実でいい。譬えて言うなら、その名は『まどか』。『まどか』こそ我が生命、『まどか』こそ我が宿命!」

「所望唯微願耳。便是只能以這雙臂緊抱的夢幻便好,便是只能在我心中存在的真實便好。若名之,則謂『小圓』! 小圓方為我生命,小圓方為我宿命!」

    • 其實是《裝甲騎兵·榮耀的異端》最終話預告,描寫齊力可心境的一段獨白。*13
    • 但這段獨白不僅跟焰的粉圓控非常貼切,前半段更是完美體現了焰為了小圓能得到作為人的幸福,盡其所能地創造一個可能十分虛幻短暫,卻能讓小圓在現實得以安穩的世界的心願。
  • 「触れ得ざる者」ホムラ・アケミ


















許多與曉美焰相關的玩偶也陸續推出,其中主要設計人形玩偶的Good Smile Company分別推出過數款figma人偶與黏土人玩偶。在2011年時由Good Smile Company公布的銷售排行榜之中,黏土人模型排行第4位,figma人偶則是第6位[36]





  • 2011年Newtype杂志的 Anime Award(ニュータイプアニメアワード)虚构角色赏(女性)[41]
  • NHK纪念电视动画开播50周年 「最受歡迎的女主角わたしの大好きなヒロインたち」調查中荣获第2名[42]
  • 為慶祝《劇場版 魔法少女小圓》上映而舉辦的角色名言前15名投票中,曉美焰入選的有:[43]


  • 最萌大賽(日萌)2011
    • 一次預選以433票03組第一名進入本戰
    • 本戰一回戰A05組以585票對696票負於御坂美琴
  • 最萌大赛(日萌)2013
    • 一次预选08组以219票第一名进入本战[44]
    • 本战一回战B02组以293票对269票打败高町奈叶
    • 本战二回战B02组201票,与B03组413票鹿目圆一同败于B01组438票新垣绫濑
    • 由于是该场比赛第三位,无缘复活赛
    • 决赛时依然获得1120票无效票
  • 2011年C洽最萌大賽中,決賽中以748票落敗於御坂美琴,取得準萌主(亞軍)
  • 百合会(300)萌 2011
    • (求补充)萌王
  • 百合会(300)萌 2013
    • (求补充)萌王
  • 韩萌 2011
    • 回档萌王
  • 萌燃萌三吧新星萌 2013
    • 本战二回战北部赛区AB2组以2416票负于2418票时崎狂三



部份影迷研究,曉美焰姓名的日語羅馬化「Akemi Homura」近似於「Alchemy Homunculus」,後者意為「鍊金術人造人」。一方面契合曉美焰的個性特徵,另一方面《浮士德》第二部第二幕亦與何蒙庫魯茲有關。而《魔法少女小圓》全劇就充斥著《浮士德》隱喻[45]
在劇場版[新篇],部份魔法少女變身時,會以魔女文字(Madoka runes)顯示名字,唯獨曉美焰是3句德文[46]
  1. 親愛的,我們厭倦了(Zu Meistern: Wir sind gelangweilt.)
  2. 我殺了我自己(Ich töte mich...)
  3. 他們頌揚死亡(Sie Verherrlichen den Todv)
  • ほむほむ(homuhomu)来源于第三话Charlotte的魔女结界当中的魔女文字WATASI HA HOMU HOMU HA DESU!!,翻译过来是私はほむほむ派です!!
  • 职阶是Assassin,通關後繼承了小圓的職階成為Archer
  • 名字竖直写成平假名 (あけみほむら) 之后盖住左半部分,看起来就像是カナメまどか(片假名的鹿目+平假名的圆香)
  • 小焰的家:ほむホーム
  • 第11話、第12話(完結篇)播畢翌日,搭載88式陸基反艦飛彈的陸上自衛隊第六陸基反艦連隊「恰巧」宣布解散,引發了「焰盜走軍火,致使陸自連隊解散」(第6地対艦ミサイル連隊解隊の遠因)的趣談。
  • 据传吼姆跟そめつき(梦日记派生人物,ultra violet的主角)點陣圖的外表很像
  • 颜文字 ル||☛_☚|リ
  • 吼姆的愿望:找回体重。吼姆的能力:THE WORLD
  • 某魔術師殺手的弟子
  • 軍火少女ほむら★マギカ
  • 官方在PSP番外篇劇本中徹底讓焰整個戰場原化
  • 另外因擁有時間停止之力,所以常被惡搞擁有Jojo的「世界」的能力,而使用炸彈則被扯上「皇后殺手」。
  • 角色曲是ワルプルギスが倒せない、コネクト、コネクト
  • 從未來回來拯救遊星的Z-ONE
  • 因為まどかタイタス的緣故,出現了ほむらスパローほむラン的Gundam AGE改裝玩法
  • 見隴原中學的名偵探
  • IS學園2年級學生兼學生會長
  • 40歲妝畫很厚的瘋狂教師
  • 一度化身為接吻魔奪取了QB的初吻(魔法少女伊利亚)
  • 最喜欢新房45°回眸


File:Homerun The Movie.jpg
And so a legend was born
  • Homura's shield is able to store a countless amount of weapons, as demonstrated by the many pistols, light machineguns, shotguns, rocket launchers, and boxes of ammunition packed inside it. Note that her shield is relatively small and she is able to wear it around her wrist, much like a watch. As such, her shield seems to have been inspired from Time Lord technology. Evidence to support this is fairly obvious - her own magical power is based off of time manipulation, so a relation is very likely.
  • (ほむほむ)Originally started by the fan community it has been embraced and adopted by the industry to become part of the official language and usage.
  • Sometimes also jokingly refered to as "Homurika" due to shared similarity of circumstances (having to go through many timelines to prevent a tragedy) with Rika Furude (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni).
  • In an early production sketch, her surname was given as (暁海) "daybreak sea" instead of (暁美). Both are read as Akemi.
  • The Homura of previous timelines is, due to her personality and actions, often referred to as "Moemura" amongst Western fans.
  • Apparently there is a rumor on the net that some weapons went "missing" at the JSDF and US military bases in Japan. There is only one official report regarding the missing/stolen weapons. It is not known if the rumors of the stolen missing weapons inspired their appearance in the series. Nor is there any evidence indicating that the perpetrator was a time traveling magical girl.
  • One fan estimates that Homura used ¥ 1,383,040,300 Yen worth of military weaponry & equipment (that's $17,037,114 USD in today's dollars).[1]
  • Homura's appearance in episode 12 (in the new timeline) from the manga is different than her appearance from the anime. In the anime, her clothes and hairstyle remain the same, with Madoka's ribbon as her accessories. However, in the manga, she wears a new dress, changes her hairstyle to two pigtails with the ribbons Madoka gave her.
  • In Audio commentary for Episode 4, Urobuchi liked Chiwa Saitou for the role because she had a "Dark Beauty" feeling.
    • In the Audio commentary for Episode 7, Chiwa Saitou explains she tried the role of Kyubey and Kyousuke first, until Gen Urobuchi convinced her to try the role of Homura.
      • Chiwa Saito explains that she found the character of Homura to be strong but also to be a weak/delicate girl. Aoi Yuuki adds that the Homura character had no other choice but to become strong.
        • Ryouko Shintani states that would be true for a character that has something or someone important to protect.
  • Some pages from the Puella Magi Production Note refer to Homura's attack on Walpurgisnacht as "Pytha-homu Switch", a reference to the complicated Rube Goldberg machines featured on the Japanese children's show "Pythagorean Switch".
  • In the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Official Guidebook "You Are Not Alone" Hanokage jokingly describes Homura as "Hommando" in her After-Recording Report comic, because of the excessive vast arsenal of weaponry she unleashes in Episode 11. Apparently the smörgåsbord of weaponry was added later, they were not originally depicted in the early stages of the screenplay.
  • Chiwa Saito (Homura) states that the crying scene in Episode 8 left her with a large impression. She feels like they captured the feelings of a girl perfectly, specially the part where Homura collapses, showing her weak side as a girl.
  • In the audio commentary for Episode 11, Chiwa Saito (Homura) found the confession scene to be touching and emotional, and left her with a huge impression. She confesses that she cried.
    • Aoi Yuuki (Madoka) found the scene to be amazing and filled her with emotions. Aoi Yuuki felt that her and Madoka became synchronized during the emotional scene. Aoi Yuuki believes that, surely Madoka would have accepted Homura's feelings.
  • In Persona 4 Arena, Yukiko Amagi has a palette swap for Homura.
  • Homura finds a manual on how to make bombs from the internet. According with the Japanese Wikipedia the manual is titled Template:Nihongo, published in March 1974 by a far-left terrorist organization.
    • Incidentally, the manual explains with illustrations that “Anyone with a middle-school level knowledge of chemistry can do it”.




  • In the first two episodes, Homura appeared to be the antagonist. It was later explained that she only wanted to prevent Madoka becoming a magical girl. She saved Madoka and Sayaka multiple times and may become an ally and/or mentor of Madoka in the future.
  • She might also wish to prevent Madoka becoming a magical girl because of the risk that she could turn into an overwhelmingly powerful witch.
  • In Episode 5, Homura saves Sayaka from Kyoko by suddenly manifesting as Kyoko's attack is about to land, somehow moving Sayaka out of the path of the attack. The ability seems to involve massive acceleration rather than teleportation (this because of her power being to turn back/stop time and thus being able to move quickly from one point to another by stopping time temporarily), as she is able to act in a split second. As there are hints that a Puella Magi's powers may relate to her wish (e.g. Sayaka's regeneration), this may be a clue as to Homura's true motives. As of Episode 8 it has been confirmed that Homura's ability has something to do with time.
    • Theory proven right: her power is stopping time and wish is time-related.)



  • Homura's wish was to protect Madoka, and since wishes always come true, it should make her immune from death and becoming a witch before saving Madoka. This makes her doomed to be locked in this cycle. In one timeline she was almost successful, but Madoka sacrificed herself for the sake of Homura and caused another restart.
    • Theory proven wrong: Homura controls when and if she rewinds time, so long as one month as passed since the last reset.)
  • Per the image in the gallery below, the pipe layout on the corridor wall is completely different after Homura uses her 'teleportation' ability. Assuming this is not a production error, it has been suggested that the ability actually involves magically reconstituting the entire corridor while moving the people in it around. For more information, please refer to the entry on this phenomenon in the Magical Powers speculah.
    • Theory proven wrong: her power has nothing to do with that, it was a production error.
  • Homura may be a homunculus created by Madoka.[47]
  • Homura might be in possession of the soul gems of magical girls from an alternate timeline, such as the alternate Madokas. See also Speculah:Homura Identity Swap Theory (though note the identity swap theory has been debunked).
    • Theory proven wrong: Soul Gems disappear when their owner dies or become Grief Seeds.
  • One of the speculations as for why Homura does not tell Madoka upfront of the consequences of becoming a magical girl, is because Madoka might just become one in order to save Homura or Mami. This could also be the reason why she's trying to keep a distance between her and Madoka.
    • Theory proven wrong: she was doing it to stop Madoka per her promise.
  • Homura may be Walpurgis Night. As Homura's powers involved time manipulation it could very well be that we are seeing a witch version of Homura warped back into the past ironically becoming the very event that has shaped her reason for making a contract. Walpurgis Night has been depicted with clock-like gears underneath her dress. Episode 11 also depicts Walpurgis Night having a primary color of purple, which is also Homura's color. While the end of the series shows Homura losing her shield, after the credits we are shown Homura during an unknown time period, though having Madoka's ribbons, battling. Before Homura starts the fight, she hears Madoka offer words of encouragement as Homura gives up a final smile, which may signal Homura being consumed with despair. The final shot shows the main heroines, overlapped with multiple silhouettes of the heroines, which could allude to the familiars summoned by Walpurgis Night in episode 11, before showing Homura's soul gem.
    • More to this is that it's actually a fact that Kriemhild Gretchen and Walpurgisnacht where designed, to be two halves of a whole, at least as far as physical character design goes. Because of that they form an hour glass. Now, One thing that really stands out is Gretchen, go take a look at her body if you haven't. Now this is really a strange witch for Madoka to become. Most witches have at least something in common with their original wish and past, but all Madoka appears to be is this stringy black mess, What could explain this? Well, if we accept that Walpurgisnacht nacht is in fact Homura's witch, sighting the gears and Homura's lack of a time barrier, It then follows that Homura's and Madoka's witches form the hour glass. The implications of that would not be trivial, To start with, Homura is the very cause of Madoka's power and potential as a magical girl, How does she do this? time loops, as Kyuubey explained, each loop makes Madoka's past bleaker and bleaker, We already know that blackness is despair incarnate since we see it build up in soul gems, Gretchen is of course VERY black. In addition to that, Gretchen is also made up of many tendrils of threads, It would seem that if she is the bottom of the hour glass, then It's plausible that the threads represent the very threads of time that Madoka is caught up in, Walpurgisnacht, if Homura, would then be intimately connected to Gretchen, the very cause of her power, each twist of time by Homura perhaps dropping those threads, symbolic of their relationship to one another.
      • Theory proven wrong: Homura's witch form is Homulilly.



  • Homura may actually be Faust, as Faust in the play tries all his might to save Gretchen (Madoka) from dying but in the end she perishes anyways as Mephistopheles (QB) tries to tempt her to form a contract with him.
    • There's also the fact that in the Goethe version, Faust would only lose his soul if he ever had a moment of perfect happiness that made him wish he could stop time at that moment forever. Homura's power, of course, is to stop time. As such, it's entirely possible that the Homura and Faust parallels will be taken to its logical conclusion: She will have a moment of perfect happiness, she will stop time at that moment, and then she will die or become a witch. However, it should be mentioned that Faust manages to escape Mephistopheles and enter heaven because he found his moment of happiness in helping others, and not in anything Mephistopheles gave him. On the other hand, there is a witch that tries to create heaven on Earth.
    • In the story of Faust, the devil grants him "magical powers" for 24 years, "one year for each hour of the day," and the deal was at the end of the "24 years," the devil would claim his soul. Homura's "weapon" is an hourglass, and her hourglass can reset time by one month. Given the strong parallels to Faust, and how at the end of the last loop, Homura was about to lose her soul (by giving in to Kyuubey's master plan and her Soul Gem becoming corrupted), it is entirely probable that her loop lasted for a total of 24 months/loop attempts as a reasonable conservative estimate, and the full Faustian 24 years as a more gruesome estimate. Given how radically her personality has changed since the first loop attempt, and how she seems to have memorized most of the key events of the loop, 24 months seems like a plausible number.
  • Homura shows some very different powers in episode 12. While this may be a by-product of the new world, it is also possible she always had these powers and simply did not use them in favor of her less magic-consuming time-stopping.
    • Given the fact that she no longer has her shield on her wrist, it is most likely that her powers have changed altogether.
      • Her shield was shown to be completely out of sand during the fight with Walpurgis Night. As we know, the only way for her to get more sand again is to reset the timeline (flip the hourglass). Since the timeline wasn't actually reset by her, even in new timeline, her shield would still be completely out of sand, and therefore, useless as anything but a hunk of steel on her arm. It makes sense she wouldn't use it anymore, then.
        • Considering her wish was to protect Madoka, one could believe her shield shows her resolve to protect. Its turning to sand in the Walpurgis Night fight represents her inability (and indeed, her failure) to protect Madoka. When she flips the hourglass, gaining more sand represents the fact she can protect Madoka again. Her not having it in the new timeline shows that she doesn't need to protect anyone anymore.
      • As for the source of her new powers, speculations abound; lead amongst them is that she got Madoka's bow from her at the same time that Madoka fixed her Soul Gem and gave her her ribbon. Another theory is that since her wish was to "protect Madoka," and Madoka is now a concept rather than a person, her powers were altered into something similar to what Madoka uses. Yet another theory is that with the universe restarted, Homura made a different wish, and so got different powers. Yet another theory is that Homura was always able to produce a bow; after all, her original concept artwork depicted her with that weapon. She just hadn't figured out how, or alternatively, just hadn't bothered, since stopping time is more efficient.
        • My (slightly poorly-founded) theory is that her wish was to know what Madoka was (which explains why she can suddenly tell Kyubey everything) - if that's true, her having a bow represents her bond with the concept of Madoka. Kind of similar to your point.
  • The reason why Homura can't prevent Madoka from being a magic girl may be interpreted that it is Madoka's being magic girl that makes Homura become magic girl. If Homura really did, there will be a paradox. But effect can't change the cause. Therefore,no matter how many times she tries, she is destined to fail.
    • Another evidence may support this idea. In the end of episode 12, Homura is still a magic girl and she know the existence of Madoka. Because it is Homura's being magic girl and her trying hundreds of times to save Madoka that gives Madoka the ability to become Madokami. Even Madokami can't change what she is based on to exist. The effect can't change the cause.

Different Universes

There are some bizarre elements that haven't been properly addressed in the anime series. In one case is the issue that the production notes state that in one timeline Kyousuke was a guitarist. It was never addressed in the Anime but in the alternate-Oktavia's witch card does mention a guitar, and we have no reason to assume it refers to anyone but Kyousuke. On this reason Kyousuke as a guitarist is considered to be canon. One possible explanation for this is that Homura is not only going back in time but also going to parallel universes (different universes) contained within the multiverse.

Gen Urobuchi stated that he didn't really think too much about the mechanics of Homura's time loops, so the nature of Homura's power is not only a mystery, but it is not fully understood not even by the creative source.

There are ways to explain the change in instrument using only time travel. Perhaps someone made a wish that changed Kyousuke's past, and the effects persisted in future timelines because the wish changed events that happened before the point where the timelines diverged, when Homura woke up in the hospital. Kyousuke might be proficient with both instruments, and some event during the time loop period might inspire him to prefer one over the other. However, these speculations are based on guesswork, since the show's creators have not yet provided details.







Official art


Homura as a regular girl

Homura as a Puella Magi

Homura as a witch in the PSP game




Analyses and Theories

Hommando: Army of One

Military Connection


Magazine Article



  1. 流行的源頭可能是夏洛特登場前畫面上「我是HOMUHOMU派」的魔女文字
  2. homura与ho-muran(home run)谐音
  3. 来源可能是新房的《玛利亚†狂热》里的「天の妃女学院」
  4. 漫画版的盾牌为菱形,内嵌有时钟。
  5. 射太 = しゃ ふと = shaft
  6. 在TV版中是纯白色,在BD版中带有紫色


  1. TV放送前的官网人物介绍PV B站视频
  2. Production Note人设图的对比
  3. 3.0 3.1 虚淵玄・前田久、大人的动画 Vol.21、32-35頁。
  4. 4.0 4.1 岩倉大輔、大人的动画 Vol.21、14頁。
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 多根清史、大人的动画 Vol.21、17頁。
  6. 公式Guidebook、124頁。
  7. http://pastebin.com/BHgRHdZu
  8. Animedia 2011-06
  9. 新房昭之在《週刊S》的訪談。(季刊S?)
  10. 电击PlayStation_2012-03-29#Notes_on_the_game
  11. 11.0 11.1 虚淵玄・前田久、大人的动画 Vol.20、34-36頁。
  12. 山川賢一(著)、名为成熟的牢笼 《魔法少女小圆》论
  13. 公式Guidebook、88頁。
  14. 阿部望・神谷智大、公式Guidebook、112頁。
  15. 15.0 15.1 虚淵玄、The_Beginning_Story第11話脚本決定稿、154頁。
  16. まどか☆マギカ11話でほむらが使用した兵器の価格を計算してみた
  17. Nitro+ Q&A Panels at Animagic 2013
  18. Nitro+ Q&A Panels at Animagic 2013
  19. [廢怯]新篇電影版 虚淵玄訪談 - Madoka板 - Disp BBS
  20. 梁文道,《常識》(桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2009年),頁17-18。
  21. 新報新聞 - 副刊 - 歷史循環說 【日韓同盟】湯禎兆
  22. 新報新聞 - 副刊 - 文本的局限 【日韓同盟】湯禎兆
  23. 悪魔ほむらとは (アクマホムラとは) [単語記事 - ニコニコ大百科]
  24. 虚淵玄、Megami MAGAZINE 2011-03、79頁
  25. 公式Guidebook、44-45頁。
  26. 26.0 26.1 悠木碧・斎藤千和、青土社MOOK Eureka杂志2011年11月臨時増刊号 《魔法少女小圆 献给魔法少女的花》、24-38頁
  27. 悠木碧・斎藤千和、公式Guidebook、52-55頁。
  28. 鶴岡陽太・斎藤千和、前后篇公式Guidebook、56-59頁。
  29. 娘TYPE 2011-03、42-45頁
  30. 斎藤千和、Megami MAGAZINE 2011-07付録、13頁。
  31. 31.0 31.1 宮本幸裕、Megami MAGAZINE 2011-04、34頁。
  32. 32.0 32.1 悠木碧・斎藤千和、Megami MAGAZINE 2011-07付録、13頁。
  33. 毎日新聞デジタル、まどか☆マギカ :ヒット生んだ緻密な計算 「魔法少女」の常識覆す
  34. 周刊SPA! 2011-07-19、54-55頁。http://nikkan-spa.jp/37230
  35. GameSpot Japan、ポータブル」など3タイトルを発表――電気外祭りニトロプラスのイベントレポートhttp://web.archive.org/web/20110915061559/http://japan.gamespot.com/psp/news/35006136/
  36. 2011年総決算!毎年恒例 「グッスマ取り扱い商品ランキング」 大発表ー!!|フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -押上駅から17up-』
  37. 又一位!和動漫抱枕結婚的韓男《嚴中模》★
  38. 日本自衛隊攻擊直昇機彩繪《魔法少女小圓》曉美燄 | 癮車報
  39. アニメ『さばけぶっ!』銃の描写について元米海兵隊にも絶賛されてるwww 流石銃アニメやで|やらおん!
  40. 「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」盲導犬普及支援ポスター第二弾 新作完成!
  41. 驚異的な強さで「まどかマギカ」が12部門制覇、ニュータイプ・アニメ・アワード 2011発表・授賞式Gigazine 2011年10月9日付け。2013年2月23日閲覧。
  42. 渋谷アニメランド テレビアニメ放送開始50周年記念 わたしの大好きなヒロインたちNHK 2013年1月2日付け。2013年2月23日閲覧。
  43. 《魔法少女小圓》網友票選 15句難忘名台詞公開
  44. http://saimoe.duapp.com/AST2013/预选阶段.htm
  45. Homura Akemi - The justiceworld Wiki
  46. Runes:The Rebellion Story - Puella Magi WikiTemplate:En icon
  47. See DCinside and Angelhalo Wiki(Documents are in Korean)
