Madoka Magica Times

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Madoka Magica Times Madoka Magica Times are a series of single-page papers to promote The Rebellion Story in late 2013. Five in all, they were originally available only as bonuses to the NewType and NyanType monthly magazines, but were reissued together in a reprint.

娘TYPE11月号~1月号を購入するとまどか☆マギカ タイムズ完全版をプレゼント[1]

まどか☆マギカタイムズ 完全版(8P小冊子)

・娘TYPE 11月号
・娘TYPE 12月号
・娘TYPE 1月号



Volume Magazine Gallery
Vol.1 NyanType 2013-10
娘TYPE 2013-10 剧场版宣传海报.jpg
Vol.2 NewType 2013-10
Newtype 2013-10 剧场版宣传海报.jpg
Vol.3 NyanType 2013-11
娘TYPE 2013-11 剧场版宣传海报.jpg
Vol.4 NewType 2013-11
Newtype 2013-11 剧场版宣传海报.jpg
Vol.5 NyanType 2013-12
娘TYPE 2013-12 剧场版宣传海报.jpg

See Also
