In August 2012, a picture of a magazine article was leaked to the internet, revealing what appears to be a new character for the Madoka movie. It was quickly discovered that the magazine article was actually a fabrication by 2ch to deceive Madoka fans. Despite this, the character has gathered fanart.
Original | Translation |
619:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2012/07/16(月) 19:40:24.23 ID:46tQFpWhI
619: From here on, instead of Anonymous, we're presenting you VIP : 2012/07/16 19:40:24.23 ID:46tQFpWHI
Urobuchi also commented on the fake character:
- http://twitter.com/Butch_Gen/status/233979499841191937
- 「まったく……銀髪ボブの小学生が棘鉄球で精神攻撃とか。なまじ俺好みなキャラなだけに尚更悔しいじゃないの。」