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"I have something important to discuss with all of you today. Make sure you pay attention."
"Should a sunny-side up be hard or soft?!"
"What do you think, Nakazawa-kun?!" - Kazuko Saotome, Episode 1.

名字(日语) 早乙女 和子 (Saotome Kazuko)
CV Japanese: 岩男润子
English: Karen Strassman
Italian: Debora Magnaghi
Spanish: Mª Rosa Guillén



  • 日文 | 早乙女和子(さおとめ かずこ/Saotome Kazuko)
  • 中译 | 同上



  • 更年期


  • Some fans speculate that Kazuko presumably is having a secret love affair with Nakazawa-kun, due to the fact that she is always inquiring Nakazawa-kun about her dates. One possible explanation is that Nakazawa-kun simply just looks like her dates; another possible explanation is that he is the mysterious man himself and Kazuko is using these moments to grill him about what went wrong. A third explanation, due to the age gap, is that he is the man's son.
    • There is also some speculation that perhaps Kazuko has a crush on her student, but because it is a forbidden love she is not allowed to express her true feelings for him openly. Or perhaps it is Nakazawa-kun who wont allow the forbidden love to flourish and develop for it would become a scandal if it was known.
      • Because of her powers over him as a teacher, perhaps she hopes that one day he would be forced to acknowledge his feelings for her.

Kazuko in Oriko Magica

Kazuko appears briefly in Oriko Magica. Template:Spoiler

Official Art


